The Friendly Club – Condit Women on a Mission
History of The Friendly Club provided by Pam Sheets
In 1932 women of the Condit Presbyterian Church felt the need of an organization to promote Christian fellowship and financial assistance to the local church and community. Lottie Meredith and Mrs. H.G. Rice (the minister’s wife) wrote the constitution. That constitution was revised in 1986 with very few changes.
During the Depression years the Friendly Club helped pay the minister’s salary, helped buy janitorial supplies and even varnished seats and chairs for the church. They made quilts for the needy and canned for the Children’s Home. To finance these projects they held chicken and rabbit suppers (35 cents per meal), had bake sales and bazaars and even sold vanilla. In 1937, they started a penny fund as a flower fund for the sick in the church and community.


In the 1940’s the Friendly Club did Red Cross sewing, packed boxes for servicemen, and made bean bags for Bible School. The church treasury had improved so there was no need to subsidize the minister’s salary. The basement of the church was finished in 1947, and the women focused on new needs. They bought dishes, stoves, pots, pans, tables, chairs, and a refrigerator.

Gladys Townley, Alma Jones, Pat Monroe, Duncan Whitney, Lola Dell Searles - 1986

Gladys Townley, Alma Jones, Pat Monroe, Duncan Whitney, Lola Dell Searles – 1986

Friendly Club Eat Out in 1957 at Emil's Steer In

Friendly Club Eat Out in 1957 at Emil’s Steer In

Numbers have been added to the photo for easier identification. Thanks to Margaret Fisher, Bonnie Caudill and John Whitney for the identification.   If you can help, email us

 1.  Irene Fisher
 2. Grace Condit
 3. Hazel Chamberlain
 4.  Helen Cline
 5.  ?
 6.  Bertha Radebaugh
 7.  Ruby Nettlehorst
 8.  Ruth Turnball
 9.   Millie Jennings
10.  Esther Reppart
11.  Geraldine Silliman
12.  Dorothy King
13.  Mary Margaret Reppart
14.  Zada Longshore
15.  Lola Dell Searles
16.  Mary Perfect
Rachel Buxton, Gerry Reppart, and Alma Jones serving a wedding reception in 1986

Rachel Buxton, Gerry Reppart, and Alma Jones serving a wedding reception in 1986

It is impossible to list all of the projects and purchases of Friendly Club throughout the years. Each decade had brought new needs, and Friendly Club has answered the call, such as: buying coffee urns, glass dishes and silver service for special events at the church and even the previous choir robes. They purchased the big Christmas tree and lights to help beautify the sanctuary at Christmas. The group has cleaned and painted the manse before a minister’s arrival. They  helped buy new hymnals, and sent congregational youth to church camp.


Until this year, the main money maker was the annual smorgasbord generally held in late September or early October. Now the Annual Auction held in September is the main fundraiser.  The Club asks for help in items to sell and buyers to purchase them.
The Friendly Club remains active and continues to provide food for families for funerals, sends cards to shut-ins and continues to help finance needs of the church.
All women in the church are invited to belong to this group.  The Club meets the first Wednesday of the month March-June, August-December at either 1:00 in the afternoon or 7:00 p.m.  Watch the Church Calendar for time and place of each meeting.
The Friendly Club
the 1st Wednesday

March thru June and
August thru December

 at either 1 p.m. or 7 p.m.

time and place are on the calendar

 2014 Officers
          President: Pat Monroe
          Vice President: Karen Kerns
          Secretary: Jayne Strouse
          Assistant Secretary: Sheila Micholes
          Treasurer: Jane Lahmon
          Assistant Treasurer: Bonnie Caudill
Annual Auction

September 3
at 7 p.m.
in Condit Church

Bonnie Caudill, auctioneer

Bring white elephants,
baked goods, garden produce, OSU items or
anything that will sell!

Money from items goes back to church as help for an electric bill, work on the manse, church camp scholarships, etc.