Christian Education Committee . . . .
Condit Tried Something New for Sunday School
Children, preschool through 5th graders leave the Worship Service in the sanctuary following the Message to Young Christians and attend Junior Worship in the Fellowship Hall. There is no 9:00 a.m. Sunday School for these children. 
Mother’s Day
Worship Service

Condit Youth
(Pre-K thru High School
will provided the Worship Service
10 a.m. May 10
Junior Worship
Boys and Girls
preschool thru 5th grade go to the
Fellowship Hall

following the Children’s Message

Sunday School Curriculum is used
Pam Sheets, Director
On Communion Sundays, the children will remain in the Worship Service.


Pam Sheets and Ken Bartlett will use the Sunday School curriculum with the children during the remainder of the Worship Service. 

Anyone wishing to work with this program should contact Pam Sheets or Georgann Whitney.
Youth Sunday School Class and Adult Sunday School Class will continue to meet at 9 a.m.
There are no Sunday School Classes during the summer months.
New Beginnings Action #40
Start a Junior Worship Service
during the Church Worship Service.
Pam Sheets agreed to be the leader.
The idea is that it is a challenge for young parents to bring a rambunctious child to church. They can disrupt the service and embarrass the parents making them less likely to attend the service. The leader of this action will create a program to have alternative activities for kids in the basement during the service. The transition could happen right after the children’s service. They will also organize volunteers to be with the children