New Beginnings Action. . . .
Welcome Bags
Delivered to New Residents
Pat Monroe, Leader
Twenty Nine Welcome Bags were delivered in the neighborhood in September.

New Beginnings Action #35 said, “Start and maintain a process that monitors when houses are sold within a 10 mile radius of the church. Contact local businesses to see if they would donate items or coupons that can be part of the welcome basket. Identify appropriate items to include in the welcome basket. Create a pamphlet to include in the basket that promotes the Condit Church. Wear our blue Condit Church shirts while delivering the basket to the new residents.”
Under the leadership of Pat Monroe the committee decided to use Welcome Bags instead of baskets and made their first deliveries in December.
Each bag contained a letter from the pastor, a loaf of bread, a box of salt, a candle,  4 small  Fair Trade candy bars with business card, a copy of the “Condit Courier” which contains some history of Condit, Condit Church bookmark, Condit Church magnet, Kerns Insurance magnet, Trenton Township postcard, Myers Inn Museum information, Condit Blood Drive Card, 2 Condit recipes, Kerns Insurance card holder and Edible Endings business card.
Bread – so this house may never

     know hunger
Salt – that life may always have
Candy – so that you may always
     enjoy the sweetness of life
Candle – so that you may dwell
     in light and happiness
Names and address in the area should be given to Monroe, Karen Kerns or Pam Sheets.  Questions or information may be emailed to Welcome@ConditChurch.org